This page is part of a graduate architecture diploma project in University for the Creative Arts , Canterbury School of Architecture and is intended to act primarily as a feedback and public consultancy resource and secondly has some additional backround information related to the project.
The Research/Design/Practice module as an extension to the thesis project is aiming to show a different, alternative method of architectural presentation.
Drawing is a way of showing ideas, concepts and final schemes of an yet unbuilt environment.
Function of a drawing: Firstly- a sheet of paper, collection of information builders can construct something that is drawn by an architect. Secondly- to present the design to a client, whether the user of the product personally or indirectly to its potential users to get feedback either positive/negative.
If the user of this space is a living being (primarily human), it is perceived by five senses: vision, scent, touch, taste and hearing. If we were to classify by importance in perceiving space: vision as prime, hearing apparently second and rest less important.
Thus the traditional presentation of architectural future is using a single sense, a pure visual one, but depending on a project, an aural addition would make a difference.
If the user of this space is a living being (primarily human), it is perceived by five senses: vision, scent, touch, taste and hearing. If we were to classify by importance in perceiving space: vision as prime, hearing apparently second and rest less important.
Thus the traditional presentation of architectural future is using a single sense, a pure visual one, but depending on a project, an aural addition would make a difference.
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